EViD: The Evaluation Visualisation Design Tool!

A novel collaborative tool for exploring and designing project evaluations.

Start Using EViD

Use EViD as an Online Tool

Start using EViD on Miro.com. EViD is free for non-profit organisations and for educational purposes. For a limited time, EViD is free for for-profit organisations too!

Use EViD as a Printable Poster

Free for everyone! Maximize project success with EViD – the ultimate tool for evaluations. Access the free PDF to get a printable poster format for quick reference.

How EViD Can Help You

Bespoke Training

Learn how to get the most out of the EViD tool and how you can use EViD to increase your team’s and your organisation’s evaluation capacity in the long term! This offer includes virtual delivery of a one-hour training session designed to respond to your sector’s context (i.e. Higher Education, Arts and Culture, Commercial Services).

Workshop Facilitation

Explore and design your project evaluation and get the most out of using the EViD tool with the help of one of our Workshop Facilitators! This offer includes virtual facilitation of two workshops that will help your team, and your partners and stakeholders come together to explore your project’s evaluation needs and potential and design specific evaluation activities that will form your project evaluation plan!

EViD Tool Resources